
OETC achieves 10mn man-hours safety milestone


 The Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) announced it had reached a safety landmark this month

The company, part of Nama Group, revealed it had achieved 10mn man-hours without any injuries or other safety incidents.

Ali Al Hadabi, CEO of OETC is quoted by Trade Arabia as saying, “We are proud of this achievement, which came as a result of commitment to the workplace as well as individual efforts by our employees and contractors to create and maintain a safety-focused culture within the organization.”

“The importance of this commitment isn’t just a number,” Al Habadi added. “We care that our employees reach their homes and families safe at the end of each day.

“This responsibility is a shared one by everyone here, and is a responsibility we will always keep.”

Formed in May 2005, OETC owns and operates the main network through which electricity is transmitted from generating stations to the distribution load centres across all governorates in the Sultanate of Oman.